Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Artistic review - Photography

              i am an advanced photography student at Pittsburg high school and my assignment is to review my teacher's website before he changes the theme. Bryan Farley is my advanced photography teacher as well as a father and an amateur photographer. he is also something else that i never thought because like he said it is an "invisible disability" Farley is a person who lives with epilepsy. Epilepsy for those who don't know is a brain disorder where a person will have repeated seizures that are triggered by certain things. in Bryan Farley's website he illustrates his purpose very clearly in a couple of words right after showing you what you could say a sneak peek to what his photography is like. the preciseness and clarity of his purpose is very effective and any person who happened to stumble across his website would easily know that the purpose of his website is to uncover hidden stories of diverse groups finding common ground so he can teach others how to avoid tragedy or lessen its impact.
               Mr. Farley's website is rather plain and dull but his amazing photographs make up for the unappealing website also this was most likely done intentionally by him because if he were to make a very attractive website then the website itself would  be a distraction and people viewing his website would find the theme more interesting than his photographs. the website itself is very interesting with seven main tabs and several folders within them getting lost in his website is very unlikely. all the links work in his website so i give him credit on that too because way too many websites provide links that don't work and its rather frustrating when its something that you really wanted to see.
               now onto the meat and bones of Farley's website, his photographs ! every photograph is appealing to the eye's you can see all types of composition in his pictures and they are very diverse like he said they would be. he doesn't focus on just a certain type of photography like taking pictures of flowers or taking portraits of people. his photographs are very different to one another thus making for a very interesting website to be on also for the viewers benefit he adds folders under his portfolio tab where you can access the different types of pictures his taken for certain events. he also provides a gallery that is displayed in a very nice. all his photographs relate to the purpose of his website and the goal he is trying to achieve all in all his photographs are comparable to those of a professional photographer and the are alot of fun to look at.
               to summarize Mr Farley's website is a well done simple but elegant website that is definitely worth looking at. i would recommend any student or person professional photographer or high school photographer to take their time and visit his website you will see that through his photographs he achieves the purpose he set to accomplish and much much more.

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